End of session test dates and a few Companion shows

Apologies for the short notice regarding some of the following news but computer (and operator!) problems prevented access to this blog.

Our summer break is coming up and tonight will be the last ringcraft training.  Puppy and Bronze classes have finished and a Bronze test will be held tonight at 7.15pm.

Next week (9th) there will be two hour long training sessions, 7.15 - 8.15pm for Silver and 8.15 - 9.15pm for Gold. Test day is Sunday 14th July, 11am for Silver and 1pm Gold, to be held in the hall.

Classes resume on 20th August.

style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">Three Companion shows are coming up, the first is at Clatt Village Hall on Saturday 3rd August, entries from 11am, judging at 1pm, tel 01464 831221 for futher information. 

 Just two days later and there will be one held at Turriff Show, entries from 11.30am, judging at 12.30pm.

Our club will be holding another show at Roseisle Village Hall on Sunday 1st September.  More info to follow.

Have a good summer and see you all in August

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